Category: San Fernando
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Dog Can’t Get Down on His Own, So His Buddy Came to Save Him
Ritz Anne Tan
Jun 10, 2020
#Dogs #Humor #Cute #Help #Helps #Funny #Dog #Humour #Jump #Jumps #Adorable #Jumping #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Jumped #Feel Good #Friendly #Friend #Helping #Sweet #Scared #Swing #ViralHog #Pup #Philippines #Humorous #Table #Assist #Doggy #Doggo #Helped #Afraid #Assists #Humourous #Assisting #2020 #Domesticated Animals #San Fernando City #La Union
Car Backs up Moments Before Accident
Gilbert Garcia
Feb 08, 2019
#Fail #News #Crash #Dashcam #Weather #Cars #Music #USA #Accident #Trending #Song #Crazy #Collision #Collide #Reverse #Lucky #Back #ViralHog #Luck #Guys #Smashes #Smash #Avoid #Smashed #Reverses #Avoids #Avoiding #Los Angeles #Smashing #Backing #Reversed #Instinct #2019 #Shrek #Smashmouth #Lyrics #Backed #Chance #San Fernando
The Parcel Thief
Tadji Tadjman Akhavan, Ptas Consulting, Inc.
Sep 12, 2017
#Fail #Security Camera #California #USA #Thief #Mail #ViralHog #The #2017 #Parcel #Northridge #San Fernando Valley
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